Caddy's Restaurant at Castle Oaks Golf Course
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Caddy's Restaurant at Castle Oaks Golf Course

Castle Oaks Golfcourse - (209)274-0167

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Please see Caddy's website for the most up-to-date hours.
1000 Castle Oaks Dr Ione, CA 95640
Caddy's Restaurant is a full-service restaurant serving breakfast and lunch every day except Tuesday. Castle Oaks has a fully stocked snack bar which is open every day with fresh sandwiches, hot dogs, snacks, beer, liquor and soft drinks. Inside and outside dining (weather permitting).

The beautiful clubhouse and patio are available for tournaments, weddings, private parties and dinners up to 300 guests. Guests may choose from one of their banquet menus or make their own menu. Sit down and buffet are available. Call for pricing and availability & ask for food and beverage.
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