Kirkwood Inn & Saloon
1264 - module_2497 BusinessTitleModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_2498 BusinessLocationModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_40330 LinkModule moduleLarge
1264 - module_2499 BusinessCategoryModule moduleLarge
Contact Kirkwood directly to verify when they are open for the Season
The Kirkwood Resort has world-class skiing and many recreational, dining and lodging options.
The Kirkwood Inn & Saloon is part of the Kirkwood Resort and celebrated its 150th year of friendly western hospitality, and remains one of the best watering holes and eateries in the High Sierra. The Inn sits at the intersection of Alpine, Amador and El Dorado county lines. The Alpine/Eldorado county line actually runs right through the old bar room. Rumor has it that during Prohibition, the bar was on wheels so it could be rolled across the county lines and out of the jurisdiction of the visiting sheriff. And the slot machines were hidden in the kitchen.
In Season -- 8am - 9pm daily for breakfast, lunch & dinner.
1264 - module_2501 BusinessDescriptionModule moduleLarge