Morse Wines & Il Gioielle Winery
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Il Gioiello Winery/Morse Wines

Il Gloiello Winery means "the small jewel", as it is truly that. Hope you will visit our beautiful and peaceful location and enjoy the extraordinary wines from the unique terroir of our ridge top vineyards. ll Gloiello Winery is only minutes above Amador's Shenandoah Valley Vineyards. The winery produces top quality wines at an affordable price. The grapes are hand pick and triple-sort and many of the wines are also punched down by hand. Morse Wines currently produces about 4,500 cases of wine annually, projected to increase to 10,000 cases. Most are small production wines, under 500 cases.

Open Saturday and Sunday, 11AM-4:30PM

22355 Lawrence Rd
Fiddletown, CA 95629
Phone: (209) 245-3395
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