Rancho Victoria
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Rancho Victoria Vineyard

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Rancho Victoria - 209.600.2557
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Within the Amador County appellation, just outside the Shenandoah wine region, Victoria Valley is an exciting new grape-growing destination, Rancho Victoria, offering panoramic views, rolling hills, majestic oaks and 120 acres of picturesque vineyards, on an amazing 1,100-acre ranch. At Rancho Victoria Vineyard, we are committed to crafting wines that celebrate an authentic sense of place, with intense, concentrated flavors made in a subtle, approachable style. Nestled in the valley, Rancho Victoria Vineyard is a family-owned estate and working ranch specializing in award-winning wines and luxury wine-country accommodations. If it sounds like a perfect venue for your wedding or special event, it is!

Open Saturday and Sunday, 11 am - 5pm

Rancho Victoria Vineyard
16920 Greilich Rd
Plymouth, CA 95669
Phone: (209) 600-2557
Email: cindy@ranchovictoriavineyard.com
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