Days of 49 Wagon Train
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April 26 – 30th, 2023, the 9th annual Kit Carson Mountain Men Wagon Train will trek for five days on back roads and Old Highway 49, starting in Plymouth and visiting Amador County’s historic Main Streets along the way. The Kit Carson Mountain Men Wagon Train features beautiful teams of horses handled by dedicated drivers who welcome the opportunity to share their love of history with the public. The authentic horse-drawn covered wagons circle up each afternoon and evening to rest, visit with the public, and enjoy casual entertainment and a barbecue of wagon train “grub.”

As the Wagon Train nears the end of the trail, it’s just the beginning of the Days of 49 Celebration:

On Saturday, April 29th, 1 – 7 pm, the Laughton Ranch hosts the Wagon Train for its final encampment. There you can visit a working ranch and enjoy an afternoon of entertainment, living history, vendors and a casual BBQ.

On Sunday, April 30th the Days of 49 Celebration moves to Main Street, Jackson with the revival of the Kiddies’ Parade that ran from the late 1930’s to 1971. The historic Kiddies’ Parade has been enthusiastically sponsored by the Jackson Rancheria Band of Miwuk Indians to return to a time before cell phones and video games. Please join us 9:00am, Sunday, April 30 on Main Street, Jackson for a Pancake Breakfast and pre-parade entertainment. At 11:00am the Kiddies’ Parade will charm your heart, the finale to the parade is a final appearance of the Wagon Train. The fun then continues with an afternoon of living history, entertainment, vendors and kid-filled fun.

Admission is free to all events .

Wagon Train

The Wagon Train will travel through Amador County over 5 days, providing an opportunity for families along the Highway 49 corridor to see the authentic covered wagons and period outriders. The public is invited to visit the wagon train at stops and encampments.

As the Wagon Train nears the end of the trail, it’s just the beginning of the Days of 49 Celebration. On Saturday, Laughton Ranch hosts the Wagon Train and an afternoon of food and activities. On Sunday, Main Street, Jackson is the scene for a revival of the Kiddies’ Parade. The parade finale is the Wagon Train, but the day continues with a full afternoon of street entertainment, living history, vendors and kid-filled fun.

Kiddies Parade


With the generous sponsorship by the Jackson Rancheria Band of Miwuk Indians and the City of Jackson we will be reviving the popular Kiddies’ Parade. Only we “oldsters” will remember this parade as it was a big part of the former Kit Carson Days event held from the late 1930’s until 1971.

To Enter the Kiddies Parade, use this online form or print the entry form on the right.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Kit Carson Mountain Men Wagon Train and Days of 49 Celebration, April 26-30, 2023. This family-oriented event is designed to keep alive Gold Rush history, the traditions and culture of California’s pioneers and Native American heritage.

The Kit Carson Mountain Men of Amador County are coordinating sponsorships for the Wagon Train. If you would like to become a sponsor and/or participate in the Days of 49 Celebration please contact us @ or print the form on the right and send the bottom with your check.

Kit Carson Mountain Men of Amador County

The Kit Carson Mountain Men is a non-profit 501 (C-3) organization created to perpetuate the traditions of the old west and the spirit of the pioneers.
Among other activities the Kit Carson Mountain Men provide living history programs to local functions such as parades and county fairs, demonstrating the life and times of the mountain men circa 1840’s.

The Kit Carson Mountain Men have two major events every year. The first is the sale of fireworks for the 4th of July. The majority of these funds is distributed in the form of scholarships to local high schools.

The other major event is the annual Kit Carson Mountain Men Wagon Train and Days of 49 Celebration. The five day wagon train which travels through our local communities provide an opportunity for school children and local residents to visit the horsemen and women and see the authentic covered wagons. Each night the public is invited to the encampment site for casual entertainment and BBQ. The highpoint is the Sunday Kiddies’ Parade on Main Street, Jackson featuring the wagon train. Admission is Free to all events.
For more information:

Press Availabilities


Dianne Oneto
Event Director/Coordinator

John Queirolo
Kit Carson Mountain Men/Head Wrangler

Cedric Clute
Author, Historian, Radio Personality

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