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Main Street, Downtown Jackson 
At the crossroads of Scenic Highways 49 and 88, Gold Country adventures begin and end in Jackson. Charming, 150-year old Main Street boasts one of California’s oldest and most notorious establishments, the newly renovated National Hotel. Antiques, the Amador County Museum, gift shops, popular eateries, even a steam punk-themed bookstore attract shoppers and history buffs. A Gold Country adventure isn’t complete without experiencing the miner’s way of life on a tour of the legendary Kennedy Mine. Minutes from Main Street, the Jackson Rancheria Casino Resort features top name entertainers, and Jackson’s location on beautiful Highway 88 makes it the ideal base camp for High Sierra camping, fishing, and snow sports.

In 1853, Jackson became the county seat of newly formed Amador County, California. Previously, from 1851–1852, it had been the county seat of Calaveras County. Jackson may therefore be the only city to have ever been county seat of two different counties at different times.

Click HERE to visit the City of Jackson Website.

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